
Lou Beach, OK (WINNER), 2020, mixed media collage, 13.5 x 10.5 inches - $4,000 unframed
Lou Beach, OK (WINNER), 2020, mixed media collage, 13.5 x 10.5" - $4,000 unframed

Unlike previous political works of mine which approach their subject obliquely or as farce (see I AM NOT A LIAR, below), these new pictures are dark and direct. I wanted to convey my dread at the cancerous state of affairs in our country, the anger and frustration and despair that hang over us like a toxic cloud.

Dismayed and disgusted by recent events I made these collages as a representation of my disillusionment, using Washington, the most iconic of our presidents as an embodiment of my feelings.

I am leery of heroes and wary of the collective acceptance of a national narrative, but I don’t hate Washington. Or America. I remain hopeful, by George!

Lou Beach

All of the artwork in this online exhibition is available for purchase.
For inquiries, please call 310-913-0749 or email at

Lou Beach, I AM NOT A LIAR, 2016, mixed media collage, 16 x 12 inches - $4,000 unframed
Lou Beach, I AM NOT A LIAR, 2016, mixed media collage, 16 x 12" - $4,000 unframed

Lou Beach, OK (NEW SKIN), 2020, mixed media collage, 12 x 9 inches - $4,000 unframed
Lou Beach, OK (NEW SKIN), 2020, mixed media collage, 12 x 9" - $4,000 unframed

Lou Beach, OK (WHOPPER), 2020, mixed media collage, 20 x 16 inches - $4,000 unframed
Lou Beach, OK (WHOPPER), 2020, mixed media collage, 20 x 16" - $4,000 unframed

Lou Beach, OK (HE AIN'T), 2020, mixed media collage, 20 x 16 inches - $4,000 unframed
Lou Beach, OK (HE AIN'T), 2020, mixed media collage, 20 x 16" - $4,000 unframed

Lou Beach, OK (NOW), 2020, mixed media collage, 20 x 16 inches - $4,000 unframed
Lou Beach, OK (NOW), 2020, mixed media collage, 20 x 16 inches - $4,000 unframed

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